Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Wake Up, John McCain!!


     A recent Rasmussen Reports survey showed that incumbent Arizona Senator John McCain (R), is facing tough opposition from former Rep. J.D. Hayworth.  The poll showed McCain with a slight edge to Hayworth, 45% for McCain to Hayworth's 43%.  This is troubling for the longtime Arizona senator who was just last year the Republican nominee for president. 
     Some experts believe that the reason for this poll tightening is the difference between the two Republicans on the issue of immigration.   McCain supports "comprehensive immigration reform," which includes a pathway to citizenship that some commentators have deemed "amnesty".  Hayworth supports ending illegal immigration with tighter border security measures, which some believe have helped him in this race. 
     These experts also believe that this may be a race that shows the direction of the GOP in the future; whether they will move to the center or to the right.  This was demonstrated earlier this year in the hotly contested New York 23rd District House race, where moderate Republican Dede Scozzafava dropped out of the race and left it to Conservative party nominee Doug Hoffman and Democratic party nominee Bill Owens to slug it out.  Owens eventually won, but the race showed that Conservatives will not put up with a moderate GOP and will move to another party if need be. 
     McCain needs to watch out, or else he will lost his party's nomination for the Senate.

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