Wednesday, April 28, 2010

So Much for Building Your House on a Solid Rock

     In recent politics we’ve seen a lot of blunders, such as the Bush Administration’s decision to abandon Fiscal Conservatism and the Clinton health care “reform” juggernaut.  We have not seen, however, a blunder so large as the Obama administration’s economic policy.  The Obama administration’s economic policy is a true blunder.  First, they are throwing money at the big banks and expecting them to act responsibly with it (what wishful thinking), and then they are banking on “recovery” for their future political success.
     Whenever Obama sends one of his surrogates on a news show and they are asked about economic policy, they simply say that “recovery is coming and things will get better”.  Well, I have some news for them.  Taxing, spending, regulating, bailing-out and chumming it up with lobbyists, bankers and Congress won’t bring the “recovery” the Obama administration keeps promising.  If they want recovery to come and for things to get better, they need to do two simple things; cut Federal government spending and cut taxes as well as eliminate some.  Cutting Federal government spending will allow the Federal government to pay off its massive debt, which will curb inflation as well as increase the value of the dollar.  Cutting taxes will encourage people to spend more money because they will have more money in their pockets to work with.  However, eliminating capital gains taxes would also spur a shockwave of investing in the stock market—which will get capital flowing again.  When capital flows—good economic times roll right along with it.  Bill Clinton cut capital gains taxes in 1995 and that spurred a ton of investment in the stock market. 
     Most of all, we need common sense in government.  With common sense and rational thinking come good policy.  Right now, we have self-absorption as well as political back scratching going on right now, which so far has produced bad policy and has failed to spur this economy into real recovery.   

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

For Whom the Slippery Slope Tolls

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     Currently, the Federal Budget deficit is 12 TRILLION dollars.  This is a sickening outrage!  Even though it is an outrageous amount of debt, the Federal government will not stop piling it on.  It all started with George W. Bush, who abandoned his principles of Fiscal Conservatism in an effort to work with Democrats and took us from the Clinton budget surplus to a disgusting deficit.  After Bush-o-nomics ad nauseum, we now get to deal with Obamanomics ad nauseum as well as Obamacare which is even more of a piggy-bank-breaker than even the stimuLESS package passed in early 2009 or the Bailout Bonanza passed in October 2008. 
     When will the fiscal depravity that is our Federal government stop?  When will the swamp of special interests, lawyers and lobbyists that is Washington, D.C. of current be drained and thoroughly scoured?  If we continue on the path we are currently on it will never happen.  The Federal government will eventually go bankrupt and the economy will have an even nastier recession than the one we are in now.
     If we are ever to climb out of this Great Recession, we must create a climate of Fiscal Responsibility in state legislatures, Wall Street, Main Street (where for the most part it exists), and most importantly Washington, D.C.  We need a Commander-In-Chief, not a Spender-In-Chief, which is all the President Obama has become.  We need politicians who put people before partisan politics and who listen to our concerns.  We need change, and if we continue this way all we will have left after Obama is done is pocket change—not the “change” Obama and the Democrats promised to us during the election.

Monday, April 26, 2010

The Fox in Charge of the Hen House (Washington Edition)

     They're at it again!  Our bloated bureaucracy in Washington is trying yet again--and failing yet again--to "reform" another part of the American economy.  Last month it was health care, this month it's the financial industry.  Today, a vote to open debate on the fatally flawed financial "reform" bill failed.  When senators voted today, it was a split partisan vote.  Democrats all voted for opening debate while Republican voted against opening debate on the bill.  I applaud Republicans for this move because this was a flawed bill that in fact did very little to reform Wall Street at all.  In fact, all it did was add more regulation on top of more regulation in an effort to choke the entrepreneurial spirit out of the American economy and give Washington even more power.  
     Just because today's vote failed doesn't mean that the Democrats are going to try this again.  Harry Reid voted "no" along with the Republicans because that means he can bring the bill back to the Senate floor as early as tomorrow according to Senate procedure.  After the vote, President Obama released a statement that hotly scolded Republicans, saying "Some of these senators may  believe that this obstruction is a good political strategy, and others may see this delay as an opportunity behind closed doors, where financial industry lobbyists can water down reform or kill it altogether.  But the American people cannot afford that".  This is so ironic considering the fact that Obama accepted close to a MILLION dollars from Goldman Sachs, one of the biggest financial firms, during the 2008 presidential campaign.  He also employs many former Goldman Sachs employees such as Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner.  
     The Democrats are in a scramble to accomplish as much of their agenda as possible before the 2010 midterm elections because they know that they face a pretty good chance of getting slaughtered at the polls.  Many Democratic senators are either barely scraping ahead of their Republican challengers (such as Washington's Patty Murray and California's Barbara Boxer), or are polling behind their Republican challengers (such as Arkansas' Blanche Lincoln).  Washington at this point is full of no more than petty politicians who are only looking to make a buck for themselves and to steal a buck from you.  Trust no politician and use common sense when you vote this November.

Sunday, April 25, 2010


     California Republicans have a golden opportunity this Congressional election cycle.  They have the opportunity to unsesat Senator Barbara Boxer--one of the most Liberal members of the Senate.  If they unseat Barbara Boxer, California Republicans will usher in one of the biggest political comebacks in history.  They will have finally demanded their seat at the California political table back and show that a Republican can win anywhere in America.
     There are three challengers in the Republican primary for Senate in California.  Former HP CEO Carly Fiorina, Congressman Tom Campbell, and California Assemblyman Chuck DeVore.  Fiorina and DeVore are both Conservatives and have signed a pledge not to raise taxes with the group Americans for Tax Reform.  Tom Campbell, however, has not signed this pledge.  He has also accepted money from some pretty controversial people.  One of these people is Sami Al-Arian, a professor at the University of Florida.  Al-Arian has pleaded guilty to conspiracy to contribute services to or for the benefit of the Palestine Islamic Jihad, a Specially Designated Terrorist organization.  Campbell accepted $1,300 from Al-Arian.  Al-Arian tried to donate to the campaigns of George W. Bush and Hillary Clinton, but both refused the money and gave it back.  Campbell kept the money and even defended Al-Arian from criticism in the media.  In addition to accepting this dirty money, Campbell racked up a record of voting for tax increases as well as bloated budgets while a Representative in the U.S. House of Representatives from California's 12th and 15th districts.    
     California Republicans need to take the opportunity to unseat Sen. Boxer if they are going to ever be relevant in California politics again.  If they don't take this opportunity, California will send Boxer back to the Senate to cast more votes that will hurt America.  We need to remember that a lot is at stake in this election cycle.  If we as Americans don't take the chance to throw these bums we call congressmen/women out the Obama/Pelosi/Reid agenda will just continue to destruct America.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Get a Grip Main Stream Media

     Yesterday, Arizona Governor Jan Brewer (R) signed into law one of the most comprehensive and strict immigration law packages in the country.  Among some of the items in it is a requirement that asks for the birth certificates of all presidential candidates who run and are on the ballot in Arizona.  After it was signed into law, President Obama immediately started to criticize it.  This is not surprising, seeing as how President Obama has done virtually nothing to solve the issue of immigration.
     In the past, most immigrants came into the United States through either Ellis Island or Angel Island and were legal.  Today, a lot more immigrants are coming into the United States illegally, either through one of our coastal cities or from Mexico in the South through into Texas, Arizona, New Mexico, or California.  We need to secure our borders so that we know who is coming into the country.  If we don't know who is coming into the country, then we don't know what new diseases could be introduced into this country.  I mean no harm by my previous statement but we need to biologically monitor what comes into this country so we don't have problems like what happened to the Native Americans when the Spaniards came to America back in the 1400-1500's.
     I support this immigration bill because it does what the Federal government has not done--secure the borders.  Arizona has every right to pass this bill because that power is not given to the Federal government in the Constitution and so therefore that power is deferred to the states.  If another state were to pass an immigration bill that was completely different from this I would still support the right of that state to do it because it is not a power given to the Federal government in the Constitution.  I do believe it will be interesting to see what happens in the future with immigration law and what the Federal government does to change it.

Friday, April 23, 2010

John McCain, Watch Out


     I know that it has been a while since I last posted to this blog and I am sorry for that.  Now that we've settled that, let's get down to business.
     As we all know, John McCain was the Republican nominee for president in 2008.  He and Sarah Palin fared somewhat well in what was one of the most difficult election cycles for a Republican ever.  Truth be told, he ran one of the most weak campaigns in history and still tried to call himself a maverick when we all knew that he wasn't.  He was just another moderate Republican trying to tell brand himself as a conservative in a last ditch effort to capture the hearts and minds of the American electorate.  He tried and failed miserably at this.
     Now, he is trying to con Arizona into reelecting him again to yet another term in the Senate.  Yet, this time he just seems to be losing his luster with the people of Arizona.  J.D. Hayworth, former Arizona Representative in Congress as well radio show host, has decided to run against McCain.  Hayworth is a true conservative who actually sticks to his principles, unlike McCain who just compromises them and checks them at the door in a failing effort to win anyone over to his campaign.  While McCain was calling the 2001 Tax Cuts "those only for the wealthy", Hayworth was standing up for the common American and voted for them as well as helping to write them.  Some have branded him as an extremist while this is not true.  He is simply another fed-up American who is trying to get his message across to people.  I've personally been to his website, he is not a hater as I am certain some have said.  In fact, he sounds quite reasonable.  I really encourage you to go to his website, there you will find what I have already found; that J.D. Hayworth needs to be Arizona's next senator and that John McCain needs to go.
     Hayworth's bid is not just another folly.  According to a Rasmussen Reports survey, Hayworth is within five points otf overtaking McCain.  John McCain needs to watch out because this time he actually has a true challenger.  The people of Arizona are showing that they are fed up with a moderate and want a true conservative to be their senator.