Friday, May 28, 2010

Transparent As Mud!

I think it’s pretty obvious—the Obama administration tried to revert back to their old Chicago swamp-politics with the revelations about the Pennsylvania Senate Democratic primary. 
It has come out that someone in the Obama administration asked Congressman Joe Sestak (D-PA) to drop out of the primary race against incumbent Senator Arlen Specter (D-PA) with the lure of a high post in the administration.   Speculation says that Sestak was offered the post of secretary of the Navy because Sestak used to be a Navy admiral or ambassador to Russia because Sestak is fluent in Russian.  No matter how you chew this, it stinks. 
Now the Obama administration is trying to loop Bill Clinton into this one, saying that it was Clinton who offered the job to Sestak in lieu of the Obama administration.  Talk about ducking and dodging!  During the 2008 campaign, Obama talked fervently about the need for transparency in the Federal.  Well, Mr. President, I do believe you have broken that promise. 
I’m not surprised this happened.  Obama rose to prominence in Chicago, the home of dirty filthy politics.  To rise in Chicago politics, you have to play dirty and that’s just what Obama did.  He pulled the wool over the eyes of all of America and now the wool is starting to fall off, and the results are not too pretty.  Keep up the heat on the Obama administration to come clean about this and let’s let them have it!  Thank goodness we have great Libertarian/Conservative think tanks like the Cato Institute and the Heritage Foundation to advocate our causes.  

Friday, May 7, 2010

There Will Be Blood

     Ohio Senator George Voinovich (R) will not be seeking reelection this year.  That means that his Senate seat is now up for grabs.  This is going to be a bloody race for a Senate seat.
     The parties have chosen their nominees.  The Democrats have chosen current Ohio Lieutenant Governor Lee Fisher as their candidate, and the Republicans have chosen former Congressman Rob Portman.  Both are fixtures in their respective sectors of Ohio politics and are strong, determined candidates.  Fisher has been in Ohio politics for 30+ years and brings the most clout with him out of the two.  Portman was a Congressman from Ohio’s 2nd District for 14 years as well as being the Director of the Office of Budget Management for the Bush administration from 2006-2007. 
     The two candidates are both hard campaigners.  Fisher already has started going negative with his campaigning as well as fundraising to replenish his depleted bank account after a bloody primary raced against Ohio Secretary of State Jennifer Brunner.  Portman, however, who ran unopposed in his primary has close to 8 million dollars in his bank account which he is using on his Jobs for Ohio Tour.  However, Ohio is not an easy election environment for either party to compete in.  The northern part of the state is mainly Democratic and the southern part of the state is mainly Republican.  It is a perfect mix of all races as well as classes of people.  You can go from the rural eastern part of the state all the way to the western part of the state, which includes metropolitan cities such as Columbus, Cincinnati, and Dayton. 
     Personally, I endorse Rob Portman in this race.  He was my former congressman and he has the experience as well as the knowledge to vote in Washington with a clear head as well as judge with and independent opinion.  Lee Fisher, however, is a traditional Liberal Democrat.  He will only do what his party elders tell him to do, he will not form his own opinions.  He has also committed himself to much of the Obama agenda, which makes him a prime target for Tea Partiers and Conservative Republicans.  Ohio needs to replace a good senator with a great senator—and Rob Portman is just the person for the job.