Saturday, November 21, 2009

Kudos, Senate Republicans


     Today, Senate Republicans stood their ground and said NO to opening debate on Harry Reid's monstrocity that will cripple our healthcare system here in America.  Not even ubber-moderate Republicans Susan Collins and Olympia Snowe (both from Maine), voted to start debate. 
     I can tell you all with almost certainty that IF passed, American healthcare as we know it will be gone.  The bill the Senate will be voting on is a 2,074 page mega-bill that will drastically damage healthcare.  First of all, it includes the newly famous "public option", which is Democratic code word for government-run healthcare.  With this government-funded dark horse in the healthcare field, private insurance companies will be forced out of business because this public option health insurance company will crowd the marketplace.  It will not be forced to turn a profit because they are run by the government; and if you don't believe this will happen then look at how GM is doing.
     Also, this healthcare bill is a JOB KILLER.  It forces companies, even mom-and-pop establishments, to buy health insurance for every worker.  This probably doesn't sound too bad to you but the plans these business have to provide have to be on the list of government-approved plans that this bill mandates be created.  These government-approved plans will be very expensive, forcing small business that have to provide employees with them to either lay-off workers or just close up shop all-together.
    Lastly, there is no provision in this bill that opens the purchase of health insurance across state lines.  If people were able to buy health insurance across state lines this would drop the price of healthcare and health insurance.  Because there is no provision like this in the current Senate or House bill, the price of health insurance will SKYROCKET!
     Remember, before you make up your mind on whether or not to support this bill, read it and look at every page carefully; this is your health and wealth we are talking about here!

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