Sunday, June 6, 2010

Incompetence IS Disgusting!

     Let’s be honest here; the Federal response to the BP oil spill down in Louisiana is anemic to give it any credit.  President Obama has spent most of his time golfing while birds are struggling to breathe with oil in their lungs and the state of Louisiana has been forced to pay for its own National Guard troops (usually in an emergency like this the Federal government reimburses the state for these expenses).  This is close to making the incompetence showed in the wake of Hurricane Katrina petty.  Analysts have stated that this is the worst environmental disaster in U.S. history, even worse than the 1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill—from which oil can still be found in Prince William Sound, AK. 
     The effects of this spill are already starting to come to fruition.  The fishing industry is taking a huge hit in Louisiana around the oil spill and with that hit comes a long-lasting economic depression.  Louisiana is a state that relies heavily on fishing and tourism to stay afloat, and this oil spill is going to set both back many steps for generations to come.  The only government official that seems to be showing any concern over this disaster is Governor Bobby Jindal (R-LA).  He has been on the ground, meeting with cleanup personnel and staying on top of things.  The most President Obama has showed is a piddly little 3-hour beach tour in which he accomplished nothing. 
     Fishing and tourism aren’t the only things that are going to be damaged by this—the Democrats are going to take a huge hit this fall.  In 2006 and 2008 Democrats won on the expectation that they were going to show real leadership in Washington.  They have utterly and completely FAILED!  Let’s show Washington a message this November and THROW THE BUMS OUT! 

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