Tuesday, April 27, 2010

For Whom the Slippery Slope Tolls

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     Currently, the Federal Budget deficit is 12 TRILLION dollars.  This is a sickening outrage!  Even though it is an outrageous amount of debt, the Federal government will not stop piling it on.  It all started with George W. Bush, who abandoned his principles of Fiscal Conservatism in an effort to work with Democrats and took us from the Clinton budget surplus to a disgusting deficit.  After Bush-o-nomics ad nauseum, we now get to deal with Obamanomics ad nauseum as well as Obamacare which is even more of a piggy-bank-breaker than even the stimuLESS package passed in early 2009 or the Bailout Bonanza passed in October 2008. 
     When will the fiscal depravity that is our Federal government stop?  When will the swamp of special interests, lawyers and lobbyists that is Washington, D.C. of current be drained and thoroughly scoured?  If we continue on the path we are currently on it will never happen.  The Federal government will eventually go bankrupt and the economy will have an even nastier recession than the one we are in now.
     If we are ever to climb out of this Great Recession, we must create a climate of Fiscal Responsibility in state legislatures, Wall Street, Main Street (where for the most part it exists), and most importantly Washington, D.C.  We need a Commander-In-Chief, not a Spender-In-Chief, which is all the President Obama has become.  We need politicians who put people before partisan politics and who listen to our concerns.  We need change, and if we continue this way all we will have left after Obama is done is pocket change—not the “change” Obama and the Democrats promised to us during the election.

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