Sunday, February 21, 2010

Yes America, They're Going to Try to Rahm it Through

     This Thursday, President Obama is going to be hosting a "Healthcare Summit" at the White House in an effort to try to save the crown jewel in his domestic Presidential agenda.  The president believes that Republicans, Democrats and everyone in Washington are going to have a "Kumbaya" moment where, as Hillary Clinton said during the Democratic primary in 2008, "The clouds are going to open up, the Messianic choir will sing and everyone will be in harmony".  President Obama needs to get real.  There will be nothing that comes out of this summit except more arguing among the ideological factions in Washington and yet ANOTHER disaster of a health care bill.
     The biggest stumbling block will be the fact that Republicans are not going to bend over and take it.  They will do everything in their power (which at this time in Washington is almost nil except the 41 Republicans in the Senate) to stop this monstrosity of a bill from destroying the American healthcare system.  He will also run into Democrats who are on the fence about this because they have seen the poll numbers back home and see that they are lagging.  They know that if they vote for this that it will be the beginning of their political downfall and so they will play their cards very carefully.
     In my opinion, there will be very little accomplished at this summit.  The Democrats such as Obama, Reid, Pelosi and Biden will recite the old party line concerning health care.  The Republicans will oppose almost everything the Democrats put on the table (unless tort reform is on the table, which it will most likely not be) and the moderate Democrats will be investing in Degree deodorant because they are going to sweat this thing out. They do not want to make waves or upset their already annoyed constituents.  It will be interesting, however, to watch and I'm sure it will make a whole lot of political stew for the pundits to chew.  

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